Fatuma Mwandura standing in her farm in Kenya

Join Riverford in supporting farming families this Christmas

Raised: £32456 Target: £50000
Guy's reflections from his recent visit to Ripple Effect's projects

"The local team is impressive and dedicated. The transformation in smallholders lives through Ripple Effect training was profound, permanent and moving to witness. It left me in no doubt over continuing to support Ripple Effect." 

Guy Singh-Watson in Kenya, November 2024

Support us today! The first £25,000 in donations will be matched, pound for pound, by a generous Ripple Effect patron - so your gift will have an even greater impact.

Woman in her mandala garden
£11 could help a family build a mandala garden, an ingenious solution to growing vegetables in a small space
Grace Aroni and her daughter Okello Abigael in Busia, Kenya, with the gardening equipment they need for growing the family's food.
£26 could buy a set of tools for a family, to help them transform their land into a thriving farm
Water tank
£53 could buy a water butt, enabling rainwater capture and providing a buffer against drought
Ripple Effect
More about Guy's trip

Want to find out more about the farming techniques and success stories Guy saw on his trip with Ripple Effect? Read his longer piece in Wicked Leeks here.

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