Ripple Effect

Will you give climate-resilient seeds, trees and bees this autumn?

Raised: £38956 Target: £35000

Will you stand with grandmothers like Agness so they can grow enough to feed their families in the face of the climate crisis?

“Before the changes in the climate, we used to have good harvests.”

Agness, Zambia

With your support today, here's how grandmothers like Agness can transform their farms and lives with climate-resilient seeds, bees and trees.

Agnes from Zambia holding soya beans

Climate-resilient seeds

Your gift could help provide seed varieties like black-eyed peas that suit the changing climate. With resilient seeds, crops have the best chance of surviving periods of extreme drought and flooding. With better management of water, trees and soil, families can regenerate their land and the climate-smart seeds they receive can thrive.

Maybin, Agness’ grandson, planting an avocado tree

Thriving fruit trees

Your gift could support families to plant fruit trees like guava, avocado and mango. Trees help prevent soil erosion and put important nutrients back into the soil making the land more fertile, ensuring families can produce a healthy crop for years to come. Any surplus fruit can also be sold for a vital income, helping families to save for the future.

Ripple Effect

Buzzing beekeeping business

Your gift could help support a family like Agness’ with the skills to keep a healthy beehive, providing a reliable source of income to support the needs of their families. Through selling wax and honey in their local market, families can raise vital income to keep their children in school. And by pollinating the whole area, bees increase crop yields, improving biodiversity for the whole neighbourhood.

Your donation of any size today, could help families like Agness’ learn the practical solutions to fight the devastating effects of the climate crisis and overcome hunger and poverty for good.

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