Church donations
Updates. 5/08/2024

How your church can get involved with Ripple Effect

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Ann Hatton, Comunity Manager at Ripple Effect
Ann Hatton, Comunity Manager at Ripple Effect

How can your church get involved with Ripple Effect?

1. Twin your church garden with Ripple Effect

Sustainable church practices
Garden Twinning pack

2. Support our work at Harvest, Christmas or Lent.

3. Become an Eco Mission Partner

Church bishop supporting charity
Bishop Ruth is a Ripple Effect patron

4. Sign up to Making Ripples

St Mary’s Marshfield church
St Mary’s Marshfield church, one of Ripple Effect's mission partners.

Out and about with Ripple Effect!

Interested in getting your church involved?

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