Green Africa farm

5 ways we are regenerating land in Africa

The challenge: need for land, need for food

Land degradation climate crisis
Rosemary Ogolla, standing on her degraded land (Kenya)

5 ways we are regenerating farming land

1. Agroforestry

Tree planting in East Africa, Burundi
Participants on a tree planting project in Burundi
Woman with her papaya tree in Rwanda, agroforestry
Violette, in Rwanda, with her Papaya tree

2. Landscape protection and regeneration

Landscape in Burundi, green
Healthy and diverse landscape in Burundi

3. Nutrient recycling

Farmers in Africa learning how to compost
Ripple Effect self-help group training in composting

4. Water harvesting and protecting water sources

Water harvesting in Africa
Sarah, in Uganda, showing us her rainwater harvesting set up

5. Community-led land management

Fruit stall market from a cooperative in Kenya, Africa
Pamoja Suna Farmers Cooperatives (Kenya), displaying their produce
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